How to write an expository essay?The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.This article provides you with relevant writing essay tips, steps and examples for your reference.
一.what is an expository essay?
1.The structure of the expository essay is held together by the following.
A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay.
It is essential that this thesis statement be appropriately narrowed to follow the guidelines set forth in the assignment. If the student does not master this portion of the essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an effective or persuasive essay.
2.Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.
Transitions are the mortar that holds the foundation of the essay together. Without logical progression of thought, the reader is unable to follow the essay’s argument, and the structure will collapse.
3.Body paragraphs that include evidential support.
Each paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and direction throughout the essay. What is more, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s audience. It is important to note that each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph.
4.Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).
Often times, students are required to write expository essays with little or no preparation; therefore, such essays do not typically allow for a great deal of statistical or factual evidence.
5.A bit of creativity!
Though creativity and artfulness are not always associated with essay writing, it is an art form nonetheless. Try not to get stuck on the formulaic nature of expository writing at the expense of writing something interesting. Remember, though you may not be crafting the next great novel, you are attempting to leave a lasting impression on the people evaluating your essay.
6.A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.
It is at this point of the essay that students will inevitably begin to struggle. This is the portion of the essay that will leave the most immediate impression on the mind of the reader. Therefore, it must be effective and logical. Do not introduce any new information into the conclusion; rather, synthesize and come to a conclusion concerning the information presented in the body of the essay.
二.How to write an expository essay
1.Choose Topic
Narrow it down while choosing something that reflects necessary essay type. Topic should remain neutral, allowing audience make their own conclusions. When task requires comparison of two articles, it’s necessary to specify everything in the title to let readers see original information for possible reference. Expository essay topics should be reflecting like “Environmental Issues in New Jersey Suburbs” or “Genetically Modified Foods Popular Myths”.
2. Do Research
One of the most frequent tips that experienced writing experts share is sounding confident when exposing something. High self-esteem and clear language are achieved by sufficient research and information, which allows author to expose certain data to a full degree, especially if both sides of the same issue should be mentioned. Research academic journals, news reports, publications on topic to provide as much detail as possible.
3. Find Suitable Materials
regardless of how large or complex your assignment is e, it’s extremely important to search suitable materials, which can be utilized as sources to support diverse arguments or facts. This way paper becomes reliable as inclusion of statistics, news references or even basic scientific facts help to convince audience.
4. Define Exposition Method
another crucial part is defining required exposition method, which means that student should choose, unless already specified, particular research method. It can be descriptive, comparative, cause-and-effect, classification or any other method that fits within exposure writing guidelines.
Compose Outline - always start with an outline that will contain key points about particular idea with thesis statement and list of strong arguments. It should serve as a guide for what is included during the draft stage. Moreover, outline helps keep within unbiased exposure as information is sorted and structured by order of significance.
5. Brainstorm Thesis Statement
this part, usually final sentence of introduction paragraph, is alike to expository essay definition that helps readers connect with main idea, unknown concept or claim made by author. Keep brainstorming ideas out loud to see which makes more sense and fully reveals assumption or claim without leaning to either side. Remember that a key to success is presenting information, not taking sides!
6.Check Paragraphs for Topic Sentences
pay attention to how each paragraph is structured by using relevant topic sentence, which either reflects solutions or speaks about facts that help reveal or explain specific points. This way expository essay becomes more logical and to the point. Additionally, if there is any information that is not your own thought or something commonly known, always support it with reliable sources to avoid plagiarism issues.
6. Proofread & Edit Final Paper
do not underestimate careful editing for grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, wordiness, logic, and general clarity of ideas. Take enough time for editing where you leave the best parts, cutting out all what seems weak. Make sure to only correct mistakes during proofreading part. These are two separate tasks that should not be crossed for best results!
Check Sources, Citation and Formatting - Once all other points have been met, it is recommended checking Works Cited or References page for sorting issues and accuracy of citations. Remember to check format and page layout to make sure that nothing is missed.
三.expository essay example
Prompt:The title of this essay is:The Conception Of Public Communication Of Science.The models of science communication as a continuum which starts with the instraspecialistic stage, the pedagogical stage then the popular stage and the interspecialistic stage follows.
Science communication is informing and raising awareness for science-related topics broadcast throughout the public media. It also signifies communication between scientists sharing different issues. Scientists use their aptitude but also warmth to indicate that the topic matters to them. However, they tend to have been trained knowledge and rigorous focus on the research data/ details that their audience would most like. While talking to reporters or people they have to be aware of their audience’s aspect.
In our society, today media has increased turning the world into some type of global village. The media tend to hype most of the science/ health related issues so as to receive a huge audience. An example would be the Bijlmermeer plane crash which showed how media hypes resulted in increasing people’s aspect towards their health problems to the disaster. Media hypes are generated news that emphasizes regularlyagain, one specific structure while ignoring the other important perspectives. News like this indicates terror and anxiety among people who are of one way to another in the aftermath of disasters.
People usually tend to accept the explanations offered by media and desegregate them in their story about their own health accusations. The Bijlmermeer case signifies that an abrupt increased in media reports about people demand health problems directly after a publicized key event that the media generates. An analysis that was formed after the media coverage of the Bijlmermeer crash which took places in 1998-1999 illustrated that the media hypes developed new ideas to reveal what they thought seemed to prove the disasters and the health complaints. This paper will discuss the traditional conception of public communication of science and why it is problematic, the roles played by media in disseminating information about science/ health and lastly the media providing misinformation regarding science or health-related issues.
Bucchi explains that “The idea that science is ‘too complicated ‘for the public to understand became published particularly as a result of advances made in physics during the early decades of 1900s’(Bucchi). Communication in science has developed the main relation of institutionalization of research a profession increasing the growth and advancement of the mass media. The diffusionist conception of public communication incorporates that the media is designed to convey scientific notions due to the lack of competences which includes commercial interests. It also a one-way process that is linear and can transfer knowledge from one subject or groups to another.
It has been problematic due to the media and the public having initial reflections on science communication, and the diffusionist fundamentally rests its notion of communication as the transfer. Studies on public communication of science indicate that 80% of French researchers’ report that they have had some experiences when it comes to popularizing science throughout the mass media. The same similar conclusion/ research was conducted by Dunwoody and Scott in the United States. “A fifth of the articles on science and medicine written in the past 50 years by the newspapers were about science and medical experts” (Bucchi).
In this article, the author outlines the theoretical understanding of science communication through its key elements of the traditional conception, implicitly or explicitly widespread within science communication practice and policies. Bucchi contends that studies of the public communication of science inform us that 80% of the French researchers’ report that they have had experience in popularizing science through media mass. In addition, public communication should be improved in order to promote awareness and interest in science. The argument presented in these articles explains the conception of public communication of science. A model of science communication cross-talk implies that seeing communication is not simply as a cause but for the instance changes the opinion and attitudes among the public.” Science communication has a broader process concerned with the transfer of knowledge’’(Bucchi). This includes the four main stages in the process of scientific communication being used which include the instraspecialist level, Interspecialist level, pedagogic level, and popular level.
The instraspecialist level concludes papers published in specialized journals referring to experimental work and graphs predominate. The inter-specialist level; includes different kinds of texts published in bridge journals such as Nature and science to papers given at meetings of researchers belonged to the same discipline but worked at different areas. Moreover, the pedagogic level is described as a textbook science where the theoretical corpus has already been developed which are the books students use in the classroom where they learn the various ways on how science work and how it’s applied in our daily life.
The popular level covers the articles written on science that is published in a daily press and the amateur science of television documentaries. At the popular level, there are doubts and disclaimers that distinct the specialist knowledge that condenses into elementary and formulas. It presents a constancy of texts with differences in degree, across levels and invites people to imagine a sort of curve for scientific ideas that the leads from the intra specialist expository context to the popular one, passing through the intermediate levels. The models of science communication as a continuum which starts with the instraspecialistic stage, the pedagogical stage then the popular stage and the interspecialistic stage follows.
The roles that media partakes in the aftermath of disasters involves stress for public health officials. Media is also discussed not only in the context of reports on disasters and health-related. For instance, the media coverage is seen as a risk factor for suicide. This article elaborates on theoretical frameworks on the risk amplification process that takes place after disasters, and the way in which the process takes place with the media hypes frame new risk issues. The author poses a question that is used to guide the research: But what do we actually know about the effects of these media messages on the definition of risks, health perception, and personal well-being? Vasterman contends that media hypes can trigger a process years later, which causes health problems and cause risk issues such as post-traumatic stress. Media hypes are triggered by unusual or shocking events occurring which are framed in a way that media always shifting into a higher accessory and looking for a piece of newer news on the topic the audience is demanding for more.
During the hype, the media always tend to generate more news on a topic by reporting equal incidents. Once the topic gains a certain level of attention, the media attracts more attention, and it attracts more people. The argument presented in this article is directly related to the topic of what role the media plays in disseminating information regarding science and health-related issues. The media and health issues after disasters includes events such as the 9/11 and 1995 Oklahoma City bombing how it affected the health of many people exposed to the media showing the disasters, and media hypes and risk amplification. The 9/11 attacks are reported as a trigger of memory to recall. “In the aftermath of the September11, 2001, attacks, four studies demonstrated associations between viewing television coverage of the attacks and post-traumatic stress symptomatology” (Vasterman). The media kept showing the disaster that happened on the television that caused post-traumatic stress disorder due to people viewing the images of people falling and jumping from the towers. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing the influence of the media had a particular concern because the publicity shows the effect of terrorist actions. When it comes to risk amplification, the media works in different modes, that they can follow easily. The leading role is the social structure that causes the problem after disasters, it creates a specific perspective. The media have a huge impact on the way the disasters works and the risk issues involved in certain situations that are perceived by the public as well as other authorities.
The mass media concern in science has remained steady throughout the 19th century until now. The media outlets in many countries only pass science writing as medicine or health. In this article, the author includes that science journalists in the world cannot determine what is true, objectivity which demands the reporter to go into a neutral transmitter mode and focus not on the validity rather on accuracy. Dunwoody contends that both scientists and science journalists should put on a large premium on the accuracy of their science stories. For example, a study that asks the sources to identify inaccurate media science in order to find perceived flaws and errors of omission.
The argument presented in this article is directly related to my topic of media because it provides an in-depth example demonstrating how media provides misinformation regarding science/ health-related issues. The media always tend to send out the false information, or a misinformation in order to get a reaction from an audience. False information continues to influence beliefs and attitudes even after an explanation is given. The historical evolution of science journalism, in particular referencing to the United States and the moves to the characteristics of today’s science journalists. Including journalism and media outlets. Moreover, the coverage of science is a topic that interests many journalists due to the research is done and commentary.
The media’s that we tend to look for news such as Facebook and google end up clamping down fake news about a health issue that will have a significant impact on people. The society doesn’t realize the information that they access maybe false rather they look for the what to do to prevent certain things from happening. People have ways to make misinformation tend to be true due the facts being added. These stories post as serious journalism and do not fade away in thin air rather they become means for some writers that make money from them and potentially influence the public opinion. In an analysis of health stories mostly highlighted in local news are those of health problems, and most likely to affect viewers, or the audience that it’s supposed to attract. Science belittle suggestions that rely on mediated channels for information about health. The media being the number one source in which people attain their information, people tend to want to find certain information which relates to science.
The media amplify anxiety through exaggeration, prediction and when certain words or images are used to symbolize an item. The swine flu pandemic is an example of how media can cause amplification that may lead to moral panic. The media created moral panic for the people who accessed the news due to swine flu that was spreading around. When the swine flu appeared on the news for the first time, the mass media made it look worse than it was and people were panicking all over the United States.
One of the heading shown on the news was “Swine flu will be the biggest pandemic ever, warns world health chief’’ (Geraldino).
In conclusion, the conception of public communication of science implies the to the changes of opinion among people, and the public in general. The social problem with the public communication is that it’s been a long tradition that it impacts everyone and no one seems to question if the information is really accurate and evidence why the results indicate this. The media role in disseminating information to the society has increased risks in people health after each seeing the aftermath over and over, and ends up having trauma afterwards. Media tends to always send misinformation when it comes to topics or thing related with people’s health such as diseases spreading and so on. When the society see’s such report on the news with headlines indicating that they need to take precautions or take action, this causes amplification such as panic or concern among each other.
Like most research assignments, this homework type ceases to be challenging as soon as a person understands what should be achieved in the result. When seeking help on how to write expository essay, most college students often forget that there is more than one way to complete such a task. Moreover, expository writing is frequently mistaken for an argumentative essay, which is only partially true. General purpose with exposition is, indeed, to expose or inform readers about a particular subject, event or an idea. In simple terms, the goal of such writing is to research, analyze, and process specific idea by providing due evidence to help the audience evaluate all facts revealed.
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