Writing Thesis thesis writing easy thesis
If you're coming to the end of the second year of your degree, you're probably thinking about the extended piece of writing you have to produce next year, your undergraduate thesis. Preparation for your thesis should really start at the end of the second year of your degree; you should at least have some idea of the area you want to investigate in your final year.
Some colleges will require you to write some sort of proposal as to the subject you want to investigate. Generally speaking, the thesis should bear some relation to the subject that you are majoring in for your degree.
If you're an English major, you may want to look at the work of a particular writer, if your subject is history then it might be the civil war, etc. One of the reasons college lecturers may ask you to write a proposal is to get you to develop a skeleton of the actual argument you want to develop.
If your thesis is in the area of sociology, you may also need to undertake some interviews or design a questionnaire for your study. Whichever area you are writing your thesis on; in order to develop a proposal you will need to do a bit of initial research. In your proposal you will need to state the question you want to answer, the title of the proposed thesis, and a preparatory list of resources you will be using.
Most undergraduate thesis are between seven and ten thousand words in length, so you'll need a lot more research materials than you would have for an essay or another assignment. You may need to develop your thesis statement or hypothesis at the proposal stage, a lot depends on what individual lecturers and institutions expect.
Your thesis should demonstrate a fairly extensive knowledge of existing literature and research in the area. If you plan to look at the work of a particular writer, you'll also need material that other people have produced on their work. If you're examining a particular novel, you will be expected to look at literature concerning literary themes, plotting and characterization.
At this stage of your degree, you will be expected to work completely independently, although most institutions arrange for students to have a supervisor to guide them in their study.Thesis is provided by UK thesis base http://www.elviscollections.com/
During the preparation and writing of your thesis, you will be expected to attend regular tutorials with your supervisor so that he or she can check on your progress. The thesis is the most important piece of work you will undertake as an undergrad, so it deserves all of your time and attention.
One of the things that most students should do before they attempt their own thesis is to take a look at the work of past students. Most universities keep a copy of everyone's undergraduate thesis in the library; they're worth looking at to see what has already been done and what sort of work receives the best marks.#p#分頁標題#e#
Writing your thesis is not worth getting yourself bent out of shape, just give it your best and leave it at that.
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